3 Jan 2014

Fleckenstein – Historic 2014 Stock Market Crash & Dislocation

kingworldnews.com /
With bullish sentiment on stocks reaching levels not seen since 1987, today Bill Fleckenstein warned King World News there is a strong possibility bullish investors will experience a historic stock market crash and dislocation.  He also warned that this would mean a “wipeout” for investors who are positioned aggressively in stocks.  Below is what Bill Fleckenstein, who is President of Fleckenstein Capital, had to say in this powerful interview.
Eric King:  “When it (the stock market) turns, rather than have a typical 12%, 15%, or maybe 20% correction, could it be much, much deeper than that?”
Fleckenstein:  “Of course.  We could have a crash.  No problem.  Absolutely no problem.  Are you kidding me, with the computers doing what they do, we could easily have a crash….
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