3 Jan 2014

Best Trade Ideas For 2014

Record worldwide production has caused prices to decline 48% from the August 2012 peak.  However, demand is also at record levels and there's talk of China building a strategic corn reserve.  If China were to stockpile corn at the current rate of their cotton and copper reserves, they would need to accumulate an additional 308 million tons above their current needs, which is equivalent to 12.125 billion bushels.  Currently, the USDA forecast shows China ONLY importing 7 million tons of corn this year.  Another wildcard is weather, there is absolutely no weather premium factored in at current prices. Therefore, I would buy July, 500 corn calls for $450.
Corn Futures - Weekly Continuation

Chart by APEX
The fundamental story for platinum is very bullish.  Supply is contracting and worldwide auto catalyst demand is increasing.  In fact, the 2014 world platinum balance is expected to be negative 600,000 ounces.  Whenever I see world demand outpace supply, I pay careful attention to a bullish technical setup to confirm the fundamental story.  Also, auto catalyst demand from China and India are expected at record levels for 2014, which could result in the largest deficit on record.  Call or email me for specific strategies. Platinum is thinly traded so you will need an expert to help navigate this market.
Platinum Futures - Weekly Continuation

Chart by APEX 
S&P 500 Futures
We will be very closely studying the S&P 500 futures market this year, watching for trading opportunities to develop from a technical point of view, with a strong emphasis on candlestick charting.
March S&P 500 Futures - Daily

Chart by APEX
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