10 Dec 2013

Marc Faber Exclusive – His Stunning 2014 Predictions

from King World News
As we near the end of what has been a wild 2013, today Marc Faber spoke exclusively with King World News about his major predictions for 2014. Faber also gave his thoughts on what he thinks is a solid contrarian play for investors. This is part I of a series of written interviews that will be released today on KWN in which Faber discusses his 2014 predictions, which include some fascinating surprises, and much more.
Eric King: “Marc, what are your major predictions for 2014?”
Faber: “I’m just thinking about this and the more I think about it the more I feel that we all don’t know how 2014 will end. First of all, we have geopolitical tensions that are rising, particularly in Asia. Who knows what this will lead to?….
Continue Reading at KingWorldNews.com…

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