1 Jan 2014

These Biotechs Have Up To 100% Upside In 2014: Regulus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: RGLSD), Threshold Phama (Nasdaq: THLD) and Synergy Pharma (Nasdaq: SGYP)

Although almost any market action can be explained away -- in hindsight -- some trends will remain a deep mystery.
Major biotech stocks rallied sharply throughout 2013, as I noted in this column, but smaller biotechs inexplicably sold off sharply after Labor Day. My view: In the absence of any clear explanation of why smaller biotechs should suddenly fall deeply out of favor, lower stock prices should lead investors to give these stocks a fresh look.

Indeed, that scenario played out as expected. Since my mid-November profile of Regulus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: RGLSD), Threshold Phama (Nasdaq: THLD) and Synergy Pharma (Nasdaq: SGYP), these three stocks have rebounded, 24%, 12% and 31% respectively. That's an impressive six-week rally, and likely signals that this out-of-favor sector is rotating back into favor. I think these three stocks remain undervalued and will be tracking them in the year ahead.  (more)

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