2 Jan 2014

Market Vectors Russia ETF (NYSE: RSX): Renewed Interest in Russia Could Pop This Fund 15%

In about six weeks, the world will train its eyes on Russia. More specifically, millions of television viewers around the globe will tune in to watch the sporting action during the two-week Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.
The games will be a source of national pride for Russia, as it allows the country to show off its first-class winter sports facilities. Of course, the fact that the whole world will be watching the games has not been lost on those who want to make a politically violent statement.
Over the past several days, there have been a series of deadly terror attacks in Russia. The suicide bombing attacks are thought to be the work of an Islamic group (though no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks) intent on creating a sense of fear in the host nation prior to the big event. I suspect that given the Russian government's swift and aggressive historical response to terror, the games will go off without a hitch.  (more)

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