23 Oct 2013

This 'Hated' Sector Offers Great Yields and Catalysts Galore:BBEP, LRE, QRE

When is the best time to focus on a particular industry? When it's deeply out of favor.
Every industry hits the occasional rough patch, which typically leads investors to focus their attention elsewhere. Yet when the rough patch ends, and the skies start to brighten, you have a chance to dig into the group before the crowd returns.

That's precisely the set up in place for a group of companies known as upstream MLPs. These master limited partnerships focus on mature energy fields. These firms don't focus on the early stage of energy exploration, and instead buy mature oil and gas fields that other firms have chosen to sell.

It's an industry known for a lot of deals, as the key players boost sales and replace existing assets that eventually start to post declining output. Nearly $2.5 billion in transactions were completed in 2010, rising to $5.8 billion in 2012, according to Credit Suisse. And investors were expecting even higher amounts of deal-making in 2013 -- until Linn Energy (Nasdaq: LINE) spoiled the party.  (more)

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