
1 Jan 2014

Here are Gartman’s top trades for 2014

With the new year just a few hours away, the world wants to know what Dennis Gartman, editor and publisher of The Gartman Letter, is predicting for 2014.
Gartman spoke Talking Numbers with his three top predictions for this coming year.

1. Buy English-speaking currencies against the Japanese yen
Gartman believes the Japanese yen will do worse against the US dollar, the British pound, the Canadian dollar, the New Zealand dollar, and the Australian dollar. Gartman says: "The yen is under duress and will continue to be under duress. The monetary authorities want it to weaken. And, I think the English-speaking currencies, with their respect for tradition and the rule of law, is where flight capital will tend to move. So, I want to be long the English-speakers. I want to be short the yen."

2. Buy the Nikkei against the S&P 500 index
Gartman says: "I think over the course of the next several years, the Nikkei will seriously outperform the other broad market indices around the world. Again, that's predicated on a weak Japanese yen. The monetary authorities are going to do what they can to sponsor that strength." (more)

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