31 Dec 2013
End of Year

Anche questo vecchio anno sta andando via per fare posto al nuovo anno , lui bello nuovo e pimpante pronto a dare del gran gas.
Non so voi ma io questo anno che sta per finire mi è scivolato come il velluto , tante soddisfazioni personali e professionali ma che però ha lasciato tanti capelli bianchi...sono davvero tanti , e con la mia abitudine di portare la coppola mi sento un pò come il vecchietto che sta andando via e non come il giovane rider pronto a salire in sella alla sua moto .
Ma questi sentimentalismi non sono fatti per noi che siamo sempre giovani perchè dentro ci brucia sempre il sacro fuoco della passione per i motori e quindi vi faccio gli auguri di un nuovo anno sperando che ci porti nuova energia e voglia di fare .
Il RocketGarage vi terrà compagnia anche il prossimo anno cosi come lo ha fatto in questi anni si dal 2007 . con moto da sparo e belle donne , quindi non vi allontanate e restate sintonizzati .
Il RocketGarage vi terrà compagnia anche il prossimo anno cosi come lo ha fatto in questi anni si dal 2007 . con moto da sparo e belle donne , quindi non vi allontanate e restate sintonizzati .
Modifikasi Honda BeAT 2008 : Simpel tapi Tetap Modis
Modifikasi Honda BeAT, pada Modifikasi Honda BeAt lansiran 2008 ini mengambil konsep yang sederhana tapi tetap tampil modis dan biayanya pun pas buat kantong bagi pelajar. Menurut sang modifikator biaya untuk modifikasi ini kurang lebihnya sekitar 750 ribu.
“Dengan budget kurang dari satu juta tepatnya 750 ribu sudah didapat motor modif yang bikin pangling” terang Dana Prasetya.
Biaya tersebut sebatas permainan cat dan airbrush di seluruh bodi pada Honda BeAT ini. Permainan warna kuning dan jingga dengan gradasi membuat tampilan Honda BeAT lansiran 2008 ini sedap dipandang. Sementara untuk modifikasi lain bersifat plug and play sehingga lebih mudah distandarkan kembali.
Aliran pada Modifikasi Honda BeAT ini mengusung modif Thai Style ditengarai dengan pemilihan velg alumunium dari Everest kemudian jari-jari aksesoris. As dibalur dengan warna merah. Velg dibalut dua ban depan Duro D40 dengan size yang sama yaitu 60/80 – 17.
Untuk Modifikasi Honda BeAT ini, sok depan variasi dari Combiz begitu juga cover knalpot mengamit labelan yang sama. Sedangkan untuk peredam kejut belakang dipercayakan pada merek YSS dengan ulir putih. Cover CVT dilapisi krom sedangkan cover fan memakai variasi dengan warna keemasan.
Untuk spion memakai aksesoris, handle grip juga variasi. Sedangkan untuk dapurpacu pada Modifikasi Honda BeAT tidak ada perubahan alias standar.
Kawasaki Releases ZRX1200 DAEG Black Limited Edition
The green color is identical with the products from Kawasaki, but this time, the manufacturer which is famous for its the sports bike, re-release of its newest product, Kawasaki ZRX1200 DAEG Black Limited Edition.
As the name implies, the look of the ZRX1200 DAEG Black Limited looks fierce with black bandage on the whole body, besides the sticker graphics which green color the standard version, now gray color, neither does the rear sokbeker KYB, if the previous color combination of silver and gold, now clad in black.
To give the impression of a macho, in the panel tank pad, tank lids, home clutch and speedometer instrument specially designed, while the body of the cover slides are emblems Black Limited. While for the provide comfort rider at the time of handling, seat height is lowered by 5 mm.
As for the engine, ZRX1200 DAEG Black Limited still engine wear 4-cylinder parallel with a capacity of 1200cc Liquid-cooled DOHC engine capable of spewing power up to 108 hp.
Kawasaki will release ZRX1200 DAEG Black Limited in early February 2014 and is priced at 1.1 million yen.
Awas, Cairan Setan Mengincar Kendaraan Anda
Sekedar informasi bagi pemilik kendaraan bermotor yang sering parkir ditempat umum ataupun di tempat lainnya agar lebih waspada, pasalnya baru-baru ini ditemukan modus pencurian sepeda motor dengan model baru, bukan lagi menggunakan kunci leter T melainkan menggunakan sejenis zat kimia atau yang sering disebut “Cairan Setan”.
Dalam modus ini, para pelaku akan menaruh zat kimia atau cairan setan ini dalam wadah seperti botol suntikan, sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan kecurigaan saat beraksi. Dalam beraksi, pelaku hanya menyemprotkan cairan setan tersebut pada rumah kontak pada motor, yang dalam sekejap rumah kontak tersebut akan leleh sehingga bisa dimasuki kunci motor biasa.
Untuk menghindari modus pencurian motor dengan cairan setan ini, disarankan para pemilik motor memberikan pengaman tambahan pada kendaraannya, salah satunya adalah dengan memberikan kunci pengaman ganda kalau perlu kasih alarm pada kendaraan anda sebagai alternatif lain.
Pencegahan :
- Parkir kendaraan anda di tempat yang aman dengan pengamanan yang ekstra.seperti cek STNK saat motor keluar dari area parkir.
- Parkir kendaraan anda ditempat ramai.
- Tambahkan alarm pada motor anda sebagai pengamanan ganda.
- Pakai kunci ganda atau gunakan gembok yang berkualitas, yang tahan zat kimia cairan setan
3 Skutik Terbaru SYM Siap Ramaikan Pasar Skutik Indonesia
Produsen motor asal Taiwan yang terkenal dengan skutik matiknya yang inovatif, SYM berencana akan meluncurkan tiga skutik terbarunya di Tanah Air, ketiga produk yang akan meluncur di Indonesia ini diklaim sudah mengadopsi teknologi injeksi yang ramah lingkungan serta hemat bahan bakar.
Model pertama adalah Fighter 150, skutik matic dengan ukuran pelek 12 inch ini memiliki desain bodi serba meruncing yang mengambarkan kesan sporty. Skutik yang akan mengisi pasar matik kelas bawah ini akan dibanderol kisaran Rp. 15 jutaan.
Sementara untuk model yang ke kedua ada HD 2, skutik dengan pelek 16 inch sekilas tampangnya mirip dengan Suzuki Hayate dengan spesifikasi yang tidak beda jauh, yang membedakan adalah pada sistem pembakarannya. Sedangkan untuk harga HD 2 akan dibanderol kisaran Rp. 30 jutaan.
Sedangkan yang terakhir ada Big skutik, SYM Maxsym 600i yang merupakan varian termahal yang akan meluncur di pasar Nasional, untuk harganya diperkirakan sekitar Rp 150 jutaan, tapi untuk harga pastinya belum deal karena masih tahap evaluasi serta survey pasar, kalau permintaan pasar akan skutik ini lumayan banyak, maka Maxsym 600i juga akan meluncur.
Bonhams - Barry Sheene, Gary Nixon, ‘Tepi’ Lansivouri
It was nice having you around
let's meet in 21000410
Be safe tonight
Zoran found the perfect safety gear for New Years Eve on Bonhams
Lot 244Ω
Barry Sheene - A Bell racing helmet, Sold for £5,520 (€6,599) inc. premium
Barry Sheene - A Bell racing helmet,
in black, red and gold with applied number ‘7’, ‘Bell’ and ‘Anderstorp Racing Club’ logos. Decorated with trademark ‘Donald Duck’ emblem and ‘Barry Sheene’ lettering, tinted visor, Barry Sheene’s trademark cigarette hole, applied SHCA certified sticker number 1372063, race worn with evidence of crash damage and loss to interior.
The first helmet to carry his famous number '7', Barry presented it to Merv Wright in 1975 as being the one he wore in his infamous Daytona crash. Recent research, however, suggests that he actually wore it during the 1974 Daytona 200 and subsequent season. He also wore it during the 1974 Swedish Grand Prix where he had a spectacular spill - in the rain - also taking out Giacomo Agostini, thus gathering the ‘scars’ on this helmet. Note Barry’s trademark ‘fag’ hole in the chin-bar. As a dedicated smoker, he usually had his last minute ‘puff’ on the starting line. At the 30-second warning he threw out the cigarette and then quickly covered the hole with a piece of duct-tape kept on the fuel tank.
The first helmet to carry his famous number '7', Barry presented it to Merv Wright in 1975 as being the one he wore in his infamous Daytona crash. Recent research, however, suggests that he actually wore it during the 1974 Daytona 200 and subsequent season. He also wore it during the 1974 Swedish Grand Prix where he had a spectacular spill - in the rain - also taking out Giacomo Agostini, thus gathering the ‘scars’ on this helmet. Note Barry’s trademark ‘fag’ hole in the chin-bar. As a dedicated smoker, he usually had his last minute ‘puff’ on the starting line. At the 30-second warning he threw out the cigarette and then quickly covered the hole with a piece of duct-tape kept on the fuel tank.
Sold for £920 (€1,099) inc. premium
in white and blue with applied number ‘9’ and ‘Bell’ logos, SHCA certified sticker number 4040375, clear visor, race worn with evidence of crash damage. Gary Nixon was a US Suzuki teamster for 1974/75 and close friend of Barry Sheene’s for almost 30 years. He was wearing this helmet when he suffered an horrendous crash at the Suzuki factory test track in 1974. Gary was testing a new XR14 (RG500) – arranged by Barry Sheene – with a view towards participating in the World Championship series in 1975. Following a sudden seizure of the engine, Gary crashed and was unavoidably run-over by factory test-rider Ken Araoka. The obvious tyre mark, on the front of the helmet, is from Araoka’s bike. Gary’s injuries – documented in Barry’s 1975 Daytona crash video – essentially ended his long and illustrious professional career, although he is still competing today. This helmet was given to Merv Wright by Gary in 1974.
Lot 245AΩ
‘Tepi’ Lansivouri - A Boeri Sport/Bell racing helmet, Sold for £632 (€756) inc. premium
‘Tepi’ Lansivouri - A Boeri Sport/Bell racing helmet,
in blue and red with applied ‘Marlboro’ and ‘Boeri Sport’ logos, plaster gauze patch to the top, applied SHCA certified sticker number 2091298, race worn.
This is the helmet of Finnish rider Teuvo ‘Tepi’ Lansivouri, close friend and fellow countryman of the late, great Jarno Saarinen. After numerous victories in various classes of World Championship races in 1972/73/74, Tepi was teamed with Barry Sheene on factory Suzukis in 1975. He also joined Sheene and Nixon on the US Suzuki team for the same year. Following Barry’s spectacular Daytona crash during practice and Gary Nixon’s withdrawal from the race, due to his lingering injuries from his factory testing crash, Tepi was left holding the fort for the big event. From 1st off the line ‘Tepi’ was in the lead at his first scheduled pit stop, which became a 28-second wait due to a necessary chain adjustment. In an attempt to retake the lead from Agostini, Tepi slid-off without injury in the infield but was unable to restart. This helmet given to Merv Wright by Tepi in 1975.
This is the helmet of Finnish rider Teuvo ‘Tepi’ Lansivouri, close friend and fellow countryman of the late, great Jarno Saarinen. After numerous victories in various classes of World Championship races in 1972/73/74, Tepi was teamed with Barry Sheene on factory Suzukis in 1975. He also joined Sheene and Nixon on the US Suzuki team for the same year. Following Barry’s spectacular Daytona crash during practice and Gary Nixon’s withdrawal from the race, due to his lingering injuries from his factory testing crash, Tepi was left holding the fort for the big event. From 1st off the line ‘Tepi’ was in the lead at his first scheduled pit stop, which became a 28-second wait due to a necessary chain adjustment. In an attempt to retake the lead from Agostini, Tepi slid-off without injury in the infield but was unable to restart. This helmet given to Merv Wright by Tepi in 1975.

Raider 150 Wujud Lain Satria F150
Suzuki Satria F150 ternyata juga punya nama lain, baru-baru ini Suzuki meluncurkan versi terbaru yang mengaspal di Vietnam, desainnya mirip dengan yang ada di Indonesia.
Motor versi terbaru yang bernama Raider 150 ini bentuknya hadir dengan desain yang lebih ramping, hampir semua bagian dari bodinya terlihat baru, tapi untuk sector mesin dan rangka tetap sama seperti model sebelumnya. Sementara untuk grafis stripingnya juga tak jauh beda, Cuma namanya yang berbeda.
Selain itu ada perbedaan lain antara Raider 150 dengan Satria F150 yang beredar di Indonesia, yaitu pada lampu seinnya, untuk versi yang beredar di Vietnam ini, lampu seinnya terlihat menjorok keluar, jadi lebih terlihat oleh pengendara lain.
Sementara untuk harganya, Suzuki Raider 150 dibanderol 47,5 juta Dong Vietnam atau setara dengan Rp 26, 4 jutaan dan akan mulai tersedia di jaringan dealer Suzuki di Vietnam pada januari 2014.
30 Dec 2013
Gerald Celente’s 2014 Predictions War, Financial Crisis in Q2 & Gold Prices Going Up
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The Top 2 Tech Sectors For 2014 And Beyond: iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (NASDAQ: IBB), TriQuint Semiconductor Inc. (NASDAQ: TQNT)
There's been a lot of talk about a tech bubble.
Forget about it.
The fact is, there are always parts of every sector that are overvalued and pockets that are undervalued.
The easy story for the talking heads in the financial media is to generalize, inflame and move on. The analysis is usually about as deep as your fingernail.
What I'm here to tell you, is that after huge amounts of research and days of elite conferences and hours of interviews, I know there are two tech sectors that have many glorious days ahead of them, regardless of the silly chatter that you hear from the pundits.
Both of these sectors are just hitting their stride in the "New Economy." This isn't the "old" stuff that you've seen for the past decade or so. These sectors have upgraded their technologies and are taking them to places that no one could anticipate a decade ago. (more)
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Forget about it.
The fact is, there are always parts of every sector that are overvalued and pockets that are undervalued.
The easy story for the talking heads in the financial media is to generalize, inflame and move on. The analysis is usually about as deep as your fingernail.
What I'm here to tell you, is that after huge amounts of research and days of elite conferences and hours of interviews, I know there are two tech sectors that have many glorious days ahead of them, regardless of the silly chatter that you hear from the pundits.
Both of these sectors are just hitting their stride in the "New Economy." This isn't the "old" stuff that you've seen for the past decade or so. These sectors have upgraded their technologies and are taking them to places that no one could anticipate a decade ago. (more)
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This Strategy Has Worked Since 1801 and Is a Good Bet for 2014
Individual investors often point to the long-term success of Warren Buffett as proof that value investing works. They are correct, and Buffett is just one example of the many long-term investors who have found success with value investing. While value investing works, many investors fail to succeed with this strategy.
I believe the reason value investing is so difficult to implement is because it is challenging to define exactly what "value" means. Some investors use the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and buy when the P/E ratio is low. Others search for stocks with low price-to-sales (P/S) ratio in their hunt for value. In addition to these two tools, there are dozens of other ways to measure value. In the right hands, and with enough time, any disciplined approach to value investing should work in the long term. (more)
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I believe the reason value investing is so difficult to implement is because it is challenging to define exactly what "value" means. Some investors use the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio and buy when the P/E ratio is low. Others search for stocks with low price-to-sales (P/S) ratio in their hunt for value. In addition to these two tools, there are dozens of other ways to measure value. In the right hands, and with enough time, any disciplined approach to value investing should work in the long term. (more)
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Computer Sciences Corporation (NYSE: CSC)
Computer Sciences Corporation provides information technology (IT) and professional services and solutions in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The company’s Managed Services Sector segment offers IT outsourcing services that involve customer’s technology infrastructure, including systems analysis, applications development, network operations, end-user computing, and data center management. Its North American Public Sector segment provides systems integration and outsourcing, and complex project management and technical services, such as enterprise modernization, telecommunications and networking, managed services, base and range operations, and training and simulation services for government agencies, as well as the department of homeland security and NASA. The company’s Business Solutions and Services segment offers consulting and professional services that include advising clients on the strategic acquisition and utilization of IT and on business strategy, security, modelling, simulation, engineering, operations, change management, and business process re-engineering.
To review Sciences’ stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of CSC (Computer Sciences Corp.) below with my added notations:

After a nice push higher in July, CSC had been bouncing back and forth since August. As the stock found support in the general $50 area, it had also created a strong level of resistance at $54 (blue), which constitutes a 52-week high resistance. A break through that level most likely means higher prices for the stock. As you can see from the chart, CSC finally broke higher last week.
The Tale of the Tape: CSC broke out to a new 52-week high. A long trade could be made at $54 with a stop placed below that level. A break below $54 would negate the forecast for a continued move higher.
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To review Sciences’ stock, please take a look at the 1-year chart of CSC (Computer Sciences Corp.) below with my added notations:
After a nice push higher in July, CSC had been bouncing back and forth since August. As the stock found support in the general $50 area, it had also created a strong level of resistance at $54 (blue), which constitutes a 52-week high resistance. A break through that level most likely means higher prices for the stock. As you can see from the chart, CSC finally broke higher last week.
The Tale of the Tape: CSC broke out to a new 52-week high. A long trade could be made at $54 with a stop placed below that level. A break below $54 would negate the forecast for a continued move higher.
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Time to buy out of favor ETF’s for 2014?: GDXJ, EWZ, TUR
The best time to buy cheap is when you are afraid to bring up your ideas around the water cooler at work for fear of the peer laughter. Our work centers on looking for oversold conditions and crowd behavioral anomalies that can give us better low risk entries with good upside potential. A combination of fundamentals and technical, combined with Elliott Wave Theory patterns can lead to nice profits with low risk.
For just a few quick ideas that would make sense in this area, we point out 3 ETF's that you could look at entering now as they are way out of favor and very oversold. Gold Stocks: GDXJ
The Junior Miners index is high risk, high reward. However, if you time the entry right at the opportune moment the upside is very high with low downside risk. With GOLD out of favor, we have been pounding the table the last 10 days or so that there are only 4-5 weeks left to buy quality miner names. Instead of picking through them one at a time, you can pick up the high beta play GDJX ETF.
How about Brazil?
Everyone hates Brazil stocks now, but they have some of the most valuable natural resources in the world, and Brazil almost always bounces back strong off bear cycle lows. Here is a way to play the commodity rebound we see in 2014: EWZ ETF
It's not too late to eat some Turkey:
For just a few quick ideas that would make sense in this area, we point out 3 ETF's that you could look at entering now as they are way out of favor and very oversold.
The Junior Miners index is high risk, high reward. However, if you time the entry right at the opportune moment the upside is very high with low downside risk. With GOLD out of favor, we have been pounding the table the last 10 days or so that there are only 4-5 weeks left to buy quality miner names. Instead of picking through them one at a time, you can pick up the high beta play GDJX ETF.
Everyone hates Brazil stocks now, but they have some of the most valuable natural resources in the world, and Brazil almost always bounces back strong off bear cycle lows. Here is a way to play the commodity rebound we see in 2014: EWZ ETF
Little-Known Indicator Signals 'Buy' While Investors Are Running Scared
In the 1930s, a financial editor at Forbes magazine pieced together chart patterns. Richard Schabacker, who is considered to be the "father of technical analysis," went beyond identifying how patterns looked on charts. He also looked broadly at investor psychology and noticed that it could explain why some chart patterns form.
Psychology can be a valuable tool for traders to understand. We have made some notes on the chart below that describe the feelings of some investors at various times during the past few years.
Investor psychology does help explain resistance on a chart, for example. After a bear market, there will be some investors who will be thankful to recover their losses. They might sell when the market gets back to its old highs. This appears as resistance on the charts. After resistance is broken and prices start moving higher, we often see a "market melt up" as investors rush in since they are worried about missing out on the upside. (more)
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Psychology can be a valuable tool for traders to understand. We have made some notes on the chart below that describe the feelings of some investors at various times during the past few years.
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Guzzi T150
UK vs ITA ? Di solito siamo abituati a schierarci apertamente da un lato o dall'altro , con tenaci e appassionati amanti del bicilindrico italiano da un lato mentre dall'altro ci sono gli appassionati delle prime cafe racer che nascevano sulle base di moto inglesi .
Ma Angelo ( creatore di altre belle special inglesi questa volta si dedicato a un Guzzi riuscendo a mettere d'accordo queste due fazioni dello stesso mondo costruendo un cafe racer anglo italiana infatti questa Guzzi T150 nasce da una Guzzi v 11 Le Mans 2003 dove ha un montato serbatoio Triumph T150 del 73, sella sempre T150 modificata con alloggiamento interno per batteria al litio telaio posteriore reggisella costruito appositamente come il parafango anteriore ma in questo progetto di integrezione di parti di diversa nazionalità è andato oltre infatti l'avantreno è Ducati Streetfigter mentre il faro anteriore è un' Harley 1200 ruota posteriore alpina ammortizzatore Ohlins.
2014 Yamaha Zuma 50FX, Tiny Scooter and Economical Fuel
Motorcycle manufacturer Yamaha released the tiny scooter and fuel economy, Yamaha Zuma 50FX 2014. Small scooter this off road style offers a driving were comfortable when worn traveling to school or to the office.
Zuma 50FX 2014 equipped with engines 49cc, 1-cylinder, SOHC, 4-stroke, EFI, liquid cooled engine is guaranteed a gentle and powerful, while for the fuel consumption Zuma 50FX capable of running up 56.11 km with the 1 liter of fuel, with the volume of 4.5 liter fuel tank, you can explore together Zuma 50FX up to more than 252 kilometers.
While for the front suspension, Zuma 50FX 2014 using telescopic models and the rear swing arm plus a single shock absorber. Whereas to front the wheel circumference and rear tires sized 120/90-10. For the braking system, front wheel using hydraulic disc brakes and drum to the rear wheels.
Additionally, on the underside of the seat Zuma 50FX there is space sizable storage, namely 23 liters is useful to store belongings such as full-face helmet.
Yamaha Zuma 50FX 2014 comes in 2 color choices of Team Yamaha Blue / White and vivid Yellow / Raven. While for the the price, in the United States Zuma 50FX 2014 priced at U.S. $ 2.590.
Vun Rizoma

Dalla collaborazione tra la nota azienda di parti speciali Rizoma e l'azienda Milanese CR&S nasce questa special su base Vun . caratterizzata da molte parti in alluminio , metallo utilizzato spesso dalla Rizoma per creare i suoi prodotti .
la moto è molto bella ancora più esile e leggera come era nei progetti originali di questa moto , il serbatoio diventa un elemento di spicco ancor più visto il codino davvero minimal .
Se devo fare una critica la faccio allo sterzo , non tanto nella foggia ma nella sua finitura , quel blu sembra proprio stonare con tutto il resto , non ha nessun altro elemento che possa richiamare la sua presenza e tento meno giustificare questa scelta cromatica .
Il forcellone posteriore è realizzato da Pierobon, ( ditta specializzata in telai ) le ruote sono Alpina ( Tubless ) mentre radiatore e telaio posteriore sono stati creati exnovo.
Il forcellone posteriore è realizzato da Pierobon, ( ditta specializzata in telai ) le ruote sono Alpina ( Tubless ) mentre radiatore e telaio posteriore sono stati creati exnovo.
Avevo visto tempo fà questa special ma stranamente nessuno se ne è occupato , quindi sulla rete oltre queste non credo troverete altre immagini , ne nel sito dell'azienda motociclistica ne in quella dell'azienda di accessori .....la carta stampata nemmeno a parlarne.

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