
18 Oct 2013

Palladium: The Other Precious Metal Can Double Your Money Now

Peter Krauth writes: At times like this, gold and silver typically grab all the attention... and attract all the "safe" money. But there's another metal that could blast past both of these, virtually overnight.
At times like this, gold and silver typically grab all the attention... and attract all the "safe" money. But there's

That's because it has unique physical properties for which there is just no substitute - something its biggest consumers lose quite a bit of sleep over.

It's 15 times more rare than platinum... and 30 times more rare than gold.

And, as you'll see in the chart below, it hasn't been this attractive in 13 years.

We're looking at a 70% gain on this one - perhaps more - no matter how far Washington kicks the "debt can" down the road.  (more)

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