What book project you might ask?
Well, non other than The One Motorcycle Books. It is a photo history of every bike that has every been displayed at Portland's own One Motorcycle Show.
What is the show may be your next question?
Its a show highlighting custom, rare, original motorcycles. The show was originally started 4 years ago in an old industrial building to serve the wishes of a few local builders. 4 years later they just wrapped on our latest Portland event where more than 75 builders from all over the greater USA, even Canada, displayed their fine works of art for more than 15,000 attendees. That seems like a good chunk of people in and out of our free event. But still smaller than the global influence the show has had. They set a goal to create something for the people who are interested in motorcycles, "its a motorcycle show for motorcyclist by motorcyclist."
Who can help?
the People
They are looking for people who can help donate the funds to make these time capsules and want to inspire you to a part of this project. Not only will you get copies of the book, you will get your name listed in the book as a contributor. Its not everyday you can be a part of history? The minimum donation is a $1 the more you give the more you get. If you know other people or simply want to get the word out id say do it!"
the Companies.
They are looking for companies who can help donate the funds to make these time capsules and want you and yours to be a part of this little piece of history. Not only will you get producers credit in the front of the book, you will get 10+ sets of the books to do with what you wish. They are looking for a few companies to come in at $1000-5k. If you can support this project just go the following website and simply donate funds with "no rewards" and they will personally work out the details of your package.
The rest is easy. just follow the directions.
Thanks on the behalf of everyone involved.

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