
30 Nov 2013

Inikah Triumph 250 ?

Sebelumnya produsen motor asal Inggris, Triumph telah memperkenalkan gambar sketsa dari motor terbarunya bermesin 250 cc di ajang EICMA Show 2013 di Milan, kini beredar spy shot sosok dari Triumph 250 cc yang kejepret saat sedang melakukan sesi uji coba.

Dari spy shot yang beredar, sosok motor terbaru dari Triumph ini merupakan model motorsport yang mengusung konsep full fairing, sekilas sosoknya mirip dengan Triumph Daytona dengan tubuh yang lebih kecil. Dilansir Motorcycle.

Untuk membedakan Triumph 250 dengan Daytona 675 adalah pada bentuk roda yang lebih kecil, rem cakram tunggal, side up fork kanan, dan design swingarm yang lebih kecil.

Sementara itu, dari rumor yang beredar, motorsport Triumph 250 akan memakai nama Daytona 250, mengikuti jejak kesuksesan pendahulunya seperti Daytona 675, 600, 650, dan 955i. Tapi sayang belum ada informasi detail mengenai spesifikasi lengkap dari Triumph 250 cc ini, tapi diprediksi Triumph 250cc akan mengusung mesin satu silinder berpendingin udara atau radiator.

Dengan hadirnya Triumph 250, akan membuat persaingan pasar motor sport segmen 250 cc semakin menarik, rencananya motor sport Triumph 250 cc akan mulai dipasarkan pada 2015.

Dollar Menguat, Honda Tetap Pertahankan Harga

Semakin melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika akhir-akhir ini yang hampir menembus level Rp 12 ribu per dollar, tidak serta merta membuat produsen motor Honda menaikkan harga motornya.

Thomas Wijaya selaku Deputy GM Sales Division PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), mengakui dengan melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar memang cukup mengkhawatirkan. Namun pihaknya ingin lebih dahulu melihat perkembangan yang terjadi.

"Kita masih aman sekarang. Harga belum akan naik," tegas Thomas dalam workshop dengan wartawan di Bandung.

Penentuan naik tidaknya harga motor Honda baru akan di umumkan pada awal tahun 2014, "Sebab kita perbaharuan kontrak pada vendor itu baru akan diperpanjang di awal tahun. Kita lihat di awal tahun, apakah dolar masih akan setinggi ini atau ini hanya tren sesaat," terangnya.

Untuk saat ini, penjualan motor Honda mengalami peningkatan, dari periode Januari sampai Oktober  2013 Honda sudah menjual 6,5 juta unit motor, naik dari tahun sebelumnya dimana Honda telah menjual 5,9 unit motor pada 2012.

The Motobox

Questo progetto nasce dall'amore di un motociclista per il proprio figlio e per le cafè racer . 
Un paio di anni fa, per fare felice il proprio bambino, Valter Cugini costruì una moto con uno scatolone di cartone e altri accessori dello stesso materiale.
Visto il forte gradimento del giovanissimo motociclista gli è venuta l'idea di produrre il The Motobox, un giocattolo in legno.
Un moderno cavallo a dondolo per scatenare la fantasia a 0 km/h. 
La sua essenza statica lascia grandi spazi alla fantasia del bambino mentre la sue caratteristiche dinamiche aiutano lo sviluppo del senso dell'equilibrio. 
Le possibilità di assemblaggio del gioco favoriscono le capacità di organizzazione, il coordinamento e la manualità del bambino.  
The Motobox è un contenitore che, con gli specifici accessori, contenuti all'interno, diventa una moto per bambini dai 2 ai 4 anni. 
Realizzato artigianalmente prevalentemente in legno utilizza esclusivamente materiali atossici di altissima qualità. 
La serigrafia e la verniciatura di protezione finale all'acqua garantiscono la totale sicurezza nell'utilizzo da parte del bambino.

This project was born from the love of a biker for his son and for the cafe racer.A couple of years ago, to make his child happy, Valter Cugini ​​built a motorcycle with a cardboard box and other accessories of the same material .
Receiving strong appreciation from the little biker, Valter came up with the idea of producing THE MOTOBOX, a wooden toy.
A modern rocking horse aiming to unleash imagination at 0 km/h.
THE MOTOBOX static essence leaves large spaces to the child's imagination while its dynamic characteristics help the development of the sense of balance.
The possibility of assembling the toy encourages the development of organization skills, coordination and dexterity.
THE MOTOBOX is simply a container but with its own accessories contained within, becomes a motorcycle suitable for children from 2 up to 4 years.
Crafted by hand, mostly in natural wood, it uses only non-toxic materials of the highest quality.
The silk-screen printing and the final protective water-based coating guarantee total safety for the child.

Motobox viene venduto esclusivamente da Cargo9c - Parma.
Per maggiori info: o 0521463330.

Triumph Siap Luncurkan 10 Motor Terbaru Di India

Produsen motor asal Inggris, Triumph akan mulai merambah pasar motor India dengan melepas 10 motor terbarunya, mulai dari segmen klasik, motor sport hingga model cruiser pada Januari tahun depan.

Selain itu Triumph juga menargetkan dapat menjual sekitar 500 unit sepeda motornya dalam enam bulan pertama peluncuran perdananya di India.

Adapun line-up motor Triumph yang akan meluncur di India adalah Bonneville, Bonneville T100, Thruxton, Street and Speed Triple, Daytona 675, Tiger 800XC, Tiger Adventure, Thunderbird Storm, dan Rocket III dan akan menyusul motor terbaru bermesin 250cc pada 2015.

Sementara untuk harganya, di India Triumph Bonneville dibanderol US $ 9.135 atau sekitar Rp 110 juta, Triumph Rocket III dibanderol US $ 35.270 atau Rp 424,9 jutaan.

Sedangkan untuk varian Sport, Triumph Speed Triple dibanderol US $ 16.675 atau setara dengan Rp 200,9 juta, dan untuk Triumph Thunderbird Storm akan ditawarkan dengan harga US $ 20.840 atau setara dengan Rp 251 jutaan.

Untuk tipe Adventure, Triumph Touring Tiger 800XC dibanderol US $ 19.240 atau setara dengan Rp 231,8 juta dan Triumph Tiger Adventure dibanderol US $ 28.695 dolar AS atau setara dengan Rp 345,7 jutaan.

Tahun Depan Semua Motor Honda Pakai Injeksi

Sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah yang mengharuskan sepeda motor di Indonesia memenuhi standar emisi Euro-3, produsen motor Honda menyatakan akan mengadopsi teknologi bahan bakar injeksi pada semua produk motornya pada tahun depan.

"Itu sudah pasti. Di 2014 semua motor kita sudah injeksi," tegas Thomas Wijaya, Deputy GM Sales Division PT Astra Honda Motor, dalam workshop dengan wartawan di Bandung.

Untuk saat ini, ada empat produk Honda yang belum mengusung sistem teknologi injeksi yaitu Honda Revo, Honda Blade, Honda Tiger dan Honda MegaPro. "Nanti semuanya akan gunakan sistem injeksi," tambahnya.

Dengan system teknologi injeksi, Thomas menyatakan, banyak hal positif yang dicapai dari penggunaan teknologi ini seperti penggunaan bahan bakar akan jadi lebih irit dibandingan dengan system karburator dan tentunya teknologi injeksi ini juga akan lebih ramah lingkungan. Tidak hanya itu, untuk biaya perawatan system ini jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan system karburator (konvensional)

The Chop with Ed Oxley

Bubble mail:
"Love your site and thought I’d send you my new short video. It’s not all about motorbikes but it does have a vintage bike in bits, didgeridoo playing, mountain biking, pretty autumn leaves, barbering and some classy violence. It’s been a big hit so far in the mountain bike sphere and I’d like to get it out elsewhere. So if it amuses you maybe you’ll bob it up on your site?"
Thanks Ed!
Great short movie, ha 
The end is brilliant

Ed Oxley from goes on a weird and wonderful journey from Hebden Bridge to the dark heart of Accrington by mountain bike.
Bike: On One 456 Evo
Lights: Hope R4
Hair: North West Barber Co
Natural History: The Weird & Wonderful
Stag mask: Lahki
Beware the call of the Trail Horn!
Blossom by Nick Losse
Come back Life by Kadavar
Smokestack Ligthning by Howlin' Wolf

Instant Traction

Sorry for the lack of post this week.
Was working in New Castle for some days.
Made some Murals with Leyp in the new Adidas store In New Castle that opened yesterday.

But now I'm back with some VMX action from the brilliant Instant Traction blog.
I think it's one of the biggest online collection of vmx bikes. Will do some more post about this great blog in the following days.
Check it here

29 Nov 2013

Hedge Funds are Short Crude Oil

While CFTC Commitment of Traders report tends to be very useful, some of the date in the report can be strange from time to time. One of these strange occurrences is the divergence between positioning in Nymex Crude Oil futures and Nymex Heating Oil futures.
The reason I tend to follow Heating Oil COT, is because Heating Oil correlates very closely to Brent Crude (global barometer of oil prices) and the COT report of hedge fund positioning does a good job of giving contrarian buy and sell signals.
Chart 1: Brent Crude Oil together with Heating Oil COT report

Source: Short Side of Long 
The chart above of Heating Oil COT, shows how reduced net long positions or even outright net short positions tend to be good signals for buy opportunities when it comes to Brent Crude. The current positioning is one of the most extreme in decades (confirming very low Public Opinion sentiment). What does this tell us about the current consolidation triangle setup in Brent Crude prices?
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Martin Armstrong: Expect Cashless Society, Not Hyperinflation

One of the greatest failed predictions over the last few years has been that the Fed’s massive monetary stimulus would result in runaway hyperinflation. Certainly we can debate whether the official consumer price index is artificially lower than what reality would suggest, but it's clear current U.S. inflation is nowhere near levels of hyperinflation and has actually been trending lower over the past two years as deflationary trends persist, in spite of the Fed’s best efforts to the contrary.
So how is it that the Fed can create all this money and not create inflation? Martin Armstrong, who has long criticized calls for hyperinflation or even high inflation in the U.S., said one of the main reasons is because the U.S. dollar is the global reserve currency.
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Porter Stansberry: The madness of the crowd cannot sustain this rally

 I see two critical phenomena taking place in the market right now... And I hope people will pay attention to them.
 No. 1, the retail investor has returned to the stock market in a huge way. If you look at mutual-fund inflows, they're very powerful. In October, U.S. equity funds had net inflows of $10.5 billion, the highest monthly inflow since January. These inflows are the biggest influx we've seen into stocks since 2007.
 Unfortunately, I believe the retail investor is late to the party. Too much money is going into stocks right now at too high of a price. This is not the time to be buying stocks. You want to be buying stocks when other people are selling them, not when everyone in the world is buying them.
I sincerely thought the market top was being made in early June and in May when the junk bonds peaked and yields fell to less than 5%. I've been early on that call. Nevertheless, I don't think it's going to end well for the retail investor.  (more)

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Crude Down, Refiners Up?

I’ve been noticing this disconnect between oil & gas refining and marketing stocks over the past few weeks but in didn’t seem so “in my face” until tonight. I think it had to do with so few results on my screeners tonight due to my volume requirement that they stood out, but this is just odd how this sector is performing so well with crude being under pressure as of late. I won’t be placing any trades in this sector as these chart patterns don’t fit the ones I trade, but I thought I’d point it out.
learn about the the crack spread…
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Why Canadian homes are more unaffordable than ever

Low interest rates are a form of economic junk food.

It’s true in the housing market, where low rates have glossed over a striking decline in affordability in the past two decades. A sustainably strong housing market is based on fundamentals like a reasonable match between growth in incomes and home prices, not the economic equivalent of fat and salt.

Most of us have at least a basic idea of how much house prices have gone up in recent years, but there’s been a lack of curiosity about how buyers are keeping up. For some perspective, let’s look at incomes as taken from Statistics Canada data on weekly earnings going back to 1997, and real estate price data supplied by the Canadian Real Estate Association.

Back in 1997, the average house price in Canada of $154,620 was about 4.9 times the average pretax annual income ($31,484) of an individual with a full-time job. For the year through July 31, the average price of $379,725 puts houses at about 7.8 times income. ($48,497, all figures in current dollars).

A reasonable long-term assumption is that houses will rise in price by the inflation rate every year on average, and that wages will more or less keep up with inflation. That would give us a kind of affordability equilibrium in the housing market.

But house prices have surged ahead of income. In the past 17 years, incomes have risen by an average annual rate of 2.6 per cent, while house prices have gone up 5.4 per cent. Put another way, house prices have more than doubled over that period, while incomes are up by just a bit more than half.

The surge in housing prices is the great gift of the global financial crisis five years ago. The crisis drove interest rates down to historic lows, thereby allowing buyers to shrug off a growing disparity between their incomes and the cost of buying a house. The availability of 30-, 35- and even 40-year mortgages a few years back also helped obscure the income-house price gap.

But rates have been the big stimulus for the housing market. The prime lending rate at banks and credit unions – it’s used to price variable-rate mortgages – fell as low as 2.25 per cent from 6.25 per cent in mid-2007 before edging back up to the current level of 3 per cent. The average posted rate for five-year fixed-rate mortgages fell to 5.14 per cent at mid-year from 7.24 per cent in 2007.

You can chop roughly 1.5 percentage points off those five-year fixed rates to get the discounted costs that borrowers typically pay. On a $400,000 mortgage, the decline in these discounted rates over the past five years would have saved a buyer about $470 per month.

That’s what kept houses affordable while prices left income growth behind. Can we keep living this way? A lot depends on interest rates. The Organization For Economic Co-operation and Development said last week that Canada may need to start pushing up rates next year, and that our central bank’s benchmark rate may need to more than double by the end of 2015.

But that almost certainly won’t happen. BMO Nesbitt Burns has interpreted the Bank of Canada’s latest words on rates to suggest that the status quo will rule for at least another year. So we’re good on housing, right?

Low rates were needed to stabilize the economy back in the financial crisis, and they may still be required. But let’s recognize that they’re having an unhealthy effect on housing by getting people into homes that are going to be tough to manage financially.

At some point in the next couple of years, the economy is going to surprise us on the positive side. Anyone who buys a house now or bought in the past two years or less has virtually no chance of avoiding a sizable rate increase at renewal, and that means a higher cost of living.

A more enduring foundation for affordable housing is a match between incomes and house prices. It’s sometimes said that a house should ideally cost three times your annual salary. That’s laughably out of date, so let’s say three times your household income.
With two average wage earners in a household, the ratio of price to income falls to 3.9 from 7.8. If that seems okay to you, consider that house prices in October rose 8 per cent over the same month a year earlier on a national basis. Anyone get an 8 per cent raise lately?

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VR 1000

The Harley Davidson VR1000 was a highly limited edition model created for homologation purposes. Just 50 VR1000s were built to allow the bike to run in the AMA Superbike series.

Powered by a 1000 cc, 60 degree, V-twin with Weber fuel injection developing 135 horsepower the Harley Davidson VR1000 was not outstanding during its race career - although it was a credible competitor for a manufacturer more used to making laid-back cruisers.

The Harley Davidson VR1000 featured striking paintwork. One side was painted in bright orange while the other side was finished in gloss black.

In 1994, Harley-Davidson returned to the top level of professional road racing with the VR 1000 Superbike Race Team. Despite memorable performances during its eight-year run, including a pole position in 1996 and podium finishes by Pascal Picotte in 1999, Harley-Davidson concluded in 2001 that the VR 1000 was at the end of its development cycle and was no longer competitive in the AMA Superbike series. While the program was ended following the 2001 season, the VR 1000 Superbike racing program helped Harley-Davidson develop and refine technologies such as liquid-cooling and electronic fuel injection. The program also led to the development Harley-Davidson's first production liquid-cooled motorcycle, the 2002 VRSCA V-Rod.

Good news, SAAB starts production of the new NEVS SAAB 9-3 on Monday 2nd November

Saab's new owner, National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS), will begin series production of the 9-3 mid-sized sedan at the brand's Trollhattan assembly plant in Sweden on Monday, almost two years to the day since the company was forced to file for bankruptcy.
The last cars produced by the automaker rolled off the production line in April 2011, eight months before Saab, then under the control of Spyker NV, filed for bankruptcy on December 19.

''Yes, we will start the actual production on Monday,'' Mikael Oestlund, a spokesman for NEVS, told Automotive News Europe, adding that initial output would have a ''humble'' pace with the possibility to increase the volume over time.

National Electric Vehicle Sweden, which is owned by a Chinese renewable energy investor, bought Saab out of bankruptcy last August. The production start has been achieved after NEVS was able to reach an agreement with parts suppliers, Oestlund said.

Oestlund said the production car would be powered by a gasoline turbocharged engine and would resemble pre-series models built for testing in September. These in turn closely resembled the last production 9-3s built at Trollhattan in 2011.

Oestlund said an electric variant of the 9-3, initially aimed at the Chinese market, will begin production in 2014. This will likely feature a new face-lifted exterior.

In August, Oestlund told Automotive News Europe that the 9-3 will be sold in Europe and China initially with U.S. sales possible later.

Phoenix-based cars

NEVS has previously said it plans to build cars based on the Phoenix architecture developed by Saab before the automaker's bankruptcy, after first modifying it to remove the 20 percent of parts sourced from former Saab owner General Motors.

NEVS is owned by Hong Kong National Modern Energy Holdings, which is run by Swedish-Chinese green energy entrepreneur Kai Johan Jiang. NEVS is 22 percent owned by the Chinese city of Qingdao following a deal earlier this year.