
30 Sept 2013

Yamaha Nouvo SX Apakah akan Meluncur di Indonesia?

Beberapa waktu lalu sempat beredar kabar kalau perusahaan motor Jepang, Yamaha tengah mempersiapkan skutik terbarunya, namun sampai sekarang kabar itu belum ada kejelasan. Tapi menurut prediksi dari beberapa media diperkirakan Yamaha akan meluncurkan seri Yamaha Xeon terbaru atau mungkin Yamaha Nouvo SX.
Belum lama ini, Yamaha meluncurkan matik terbaru yang sudah meluncur di Vietnam yaitu  Yamaha Nouvo SX dengan tampilan yang sporty dan futuristik, selain itu pada bagian depan juga disematkan lampu projector dengan desain head lamp yang menarik.

Yamaha Nouvo SX  juga dilengkapi dengan Fitur menarik yakni dilengkapi dengan bagasi ekstra besar yang mampu menampung satu buah helm full face. Namun untuk kapasitas tangki bahan bakar menjadi lebih kecil yakni 4.3 liter.

Yamaha Nouvo SX  dibekali dengan mesin 135 cc menggunakan teknologi YMJET-FI. Penggunaan mesin ini untuk mendapatkan tenaga yang besar namun tetap efisien dalam konsumsi bahan bakar.

Jika Yamaha Nouvo SX  dihadirkan di Tanah Air, akan menjadi motor matic pertama yang memiliki fitur Multi Information Display (MID). Fitur ini akan diletakkan menyatu dengan speedometer yang menjadikan tampilannya semakin menarik. Tapi  apakah motor matik ini akan diluncurkan di Indonesia menurut kabar yang beredar sebelumnya???kita tunggu kabar selanjutnya…



Non è il massimo di eleganza e stile ma considerando che questa cafe racer arriva dall'estremo oriente dove hanno altri canoni di bellezza rispetto ai nostri anche i ricercati intarsi e rilievi su questa moto hanno un loro stile 

Distinguished Gentleman's Ride in Rome.

L'amico Luke Inazuma è riuscito per il secondo anno a organizzare l'evento per il  Distinguished Gentleman's Ride di Roma , intittto il resto del pianeta latri mattacchioni si sono dati appuntamento per fare un gior in moto agghindati come dei veri gentleman's , eleganti e azzimati ma con lo spirito goliardico che distingue sempre noi motociclisti inclini a non prendere mai niente sul serio ...perchè la vita è troppo breve per prenderla sul serio , "La vita è una cosa troppo seria per prenderla seriamente"


Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru - Inilah Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru. Baru baru ini Daihatsu telah meluncurkan prodak mobil terbarunya yaitu Ayla. Daihatsu Ayla merupakan mobil terbaru dengan harga yang sangat murah. Bagi anda yang ingin memiliki mobil namun budget anda tak mencukupi maka anda bisa mencoba untuk membeli mobil ini. Akan tetapi sebelum anda membelinya alangkah baiknya jika anda mengetahui terlebih dahulu seperti apa sajakah Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru ini, karena pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan mengulas secara lengkap info yang berjudul diatas.

Mobil tersebut memiliki 3 varian tipe antara lain yaitu Daihatsu Ayla D, Daihatsu Ayla M dan Daihatsu Ayla X. Varian diatas merupakan dari varian yang terendah hingga yang paling mewah. Silahkan anda simak informasi selengkapnya dibawah ini :

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru

Kelebihan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru

  • Harga murah
  • Irit bahan bakar, terutama jika dipakai pada kecepatan rendah dibawah 50 km/ jam
  • Spare part banyak tersedia di dealer-dealer daihatsu yang ada pada tiap kota
  • Mesin mobil di depan (aman bagi pengemudi, dapat mengurangi resiko benturan)

Kelemahan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru

  • Tenaga atau daya maksimum yang kecil hanya 65 ps, ini berbeda dengan honda jazz yang memiliki tenaga 120 ps (hampir separo honda jazz), masalah tenaga dipastikan sangat minim
  • Akselerasi lambat (tarikan kurang kencang), untuk mencapai kecepatan 100 km/jam dibutuhkan waktu hampir 15 detik, akselerasi hampir 15 detik ini tergolong kurang untuk mobil city car.
  • Mobil terlalu ringan, hal ini akan terasa saat mobil dikebut pada jalan bebas hambatan. Saat berpapasan dengan mobil besar seperti bus dimungkinkan mobil ini juga tidak sestabil city car lain (limbung). Pada kecepatan tinggi juga harus melihat apakah jalan benar-baner rata atau sedikit bergelombang karena sedikit saja jalan bergelombang akan sangat mempengaruhi (limbung)pada mobil dengan kecepatan tinggi apa lagi tidak didukung dengan kaki-kaki yang bagus dan berat yang memadai.
  • Fitur-fitur Daihatsu Ayla memang tidak selengkap city car kebanyakan, seperti AC tidak terdapat pada varian terndah, Airbags optional, fitur audio juga seadanya
  • Mobil ini juga perlu dipertanyakan kemampuannya dalam menempuh perjalanan luar kota atau digunakan pada tanjakan seperti ke puncak.
Tak hanya Daihatsu Ayla saja yang merupakan mobil murah untuk saat ini, silahkan anda baca juga Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Toyota Agya Terbaru.

Kami rasa sapai disini dulu informasi yang bisa kami berikan untuk anda semua tentang Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Daihatsu Ayla Terbaru. Semoga info yang kami sajikan ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda semua. Mau tahu berita terbaru lainnya, silahkan anda ikuti berita terbaru mengenai dunia otomotif yang tentu saja akan kami hadirkan setiap harinya.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Toyota Agya Terbaru - Inilah Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Toyota Agya Terbaru. Toyota Agya adalah mobil kota yang dirancang oleh Daihatsu. Mobil ini diproduksi di Indonesia. Daihatsu merancang dan memproduksi mobil ini, yang kemudian dijual sebagai Daihatsu Ayla dan Toyota Agya. Daihatsu memasok mobil ini untuk Toyota di bawah konsinyasi produksi dan perjanjian manufaktur OEM. Mobil ini ditampilkan pertama kali di Indonesia International Motor Show 2012. Penjualannya sudah dimulai sejak diluncurkan tanggal 9 September 2013 karena sudah melewati tes LCGC (Low Cost Green Car) dari pemerintah. Nama "Agya" diambil dari kata Sanskerta, yang berarti "cepat".

Agya dan Ayla adalah jawaban dari Astra, Toyota dan Daihatsu untuk rencana pemerintah Indonesia dari aturan LCGC. Agya dan Ayla menggunakan mesin sama yang digunakan oleh Toyota Aygo, Peugeot 107 dan Citroen C1. Perbedaan Agya dan Ayla adalah fasia depan, emblem, fitur, dan varian. Agya dan Ayla masih belum dijual. Harganya diperkirakan Rp 75-105 juta, sebagaimana yang diminta untuk kategori LCGC.

Kebetulan pada informasi kai ini kami akan sedikit berbagi seperti apakah mobil terbaru dari Astra yang boleh dibilang mobil murah yang baru saja rilis ini. Berikut adalah informasi terbarunya dibawah ini :

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Toyota Agya Terbaru

Inilah Kekurangan dari Toyota Agya Terbaru

  • Dengan cc yang kecil untuk ukuran mobil city car maka tenaga yang dihasilkan juga tidak terlalu besar yakni 65 ps saja.
  • Akselerasi dirasa masih lambat, untuk mencapai speed 100km/jam memerlukan waktu sekitar 14 detik.
  • Bobot yang terlalu ringan membuat kedua mobil ini tidak cocok untuk akselerasi cepat.
  • Fitur sangat sederhana bahkan pada Daihatsu Ayla type termurah tidak tersedia fitur airbag dan AC.

Inilah Kelebihan dari Toyota Agya Terbaru

  • Agya dan Ayla dirancang dengan tidak asal jadi melainkan melalui waktu pengembangan selama tiga tahun sehingga dari segi keamanan dan kenyamanan mobil ini bisa diandalkan.
  • Agya dan Ayla terikat dengan peraturan Low Cost and Green Car (LCGC) sehingga harganya murah dan ramah lingkungan.
  • Agya dan Ayla sangat irit bahan bakar dan ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan mesin 1000cc.Untuk mencapai 30 km hanya membutuhkan 1 liter bensin.
  • Agya dan Ayla menggunakan logo/emblem dan nama asli Indonesia. Agya berasal dari bahasa sanskerta yang artinya cepat, sedangkan Ayla berarti cahaya. Toyota Agya menggunakan logo burung garuda, Daihatsu Ayla menggunakan logo huruf A.
  • Toyota Agya dan Daihatsu Ayla dapat menjawab keinginan masyarakat tentang mobil murah dan terjangkau dari sisi harga, sangat cocok bagi keadaan ekonomi bangsa Indonesia saat ini.
  • Toyota Agya dan Daihatsu Ayla memiliki interior yang luas dan nyaman dan memiliki kapasitas 5 penumpang.
  • Toyota Agya dan Daihatsu Ayla dikerjakan dengan persentase 84% konten Indonesia sehingga bisa kita sebut ini merupakan proyek mobil nasional.
Itulah informasi terbaru kami tentang Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Toyota Agya Terbaru, walaupun singkat mudah mudahan bisa bermanfaat untuk teman teman semua pecinta dunia otomotif yang ada dimanapun anda berada. Ingin mengetahui berita terbaru lainnya tunggu saja update terbaru dari kami yang tentu saja akan hadir setiap harinya.

Tips Mencuci Mobil Sendiri - Warna Mengkilap - Inilah Tips Mencuci Mobil Sendiri - Warna Mengkilap. Mungkin sebagian dari teman teman suka mencucikan mobilnya pada tempat pencucian mobil atau sering dibilang salon mobil. Tak sedikit orang untuk mencuci mobil sendiri, entah karena mereka tak mau repot repot atau memang bisa mengeluarkan biaya untuk mencucikan mobilnya. Namun itu semua hak mereka kok, kali ini kami akan memberikan informasi ini untuk anda semua yang mungkin sering mencuci mobil kesayangan anda sendiri namun masih bingung sebenarnya bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk mencuci mobil itu.

Untuk melakukan kegiatan seperti ini sebenarnya membutuhkan peralatan yang cukup memadai, dan alangkah baiknya jika anda melakukannya dengan sendiri maka anda wajib untuk memperhatikan peralatan mencuci dan kualitas yang akan anda gunakan supaya menghindari agar cat dari mobil anda tidak rusak atau terlebih lagi yaitu pudar.

Namun hasil yang memuaskan adalah ketika kita melakukannya dengan sendiri tanpa harus orang lain yang mengerjakannya. Sebaiknya anda simak berita terbaru dari kami dibawah ini.

Tips Mencuci Mobil Sendiri dengan Benar

Sebaiknya anda siapkan peralatan untuk mencuci mobil anda seperti yang dibawah ini :
  • Sampo khusus mobil, agar tidak membuat cat mobil memudar.
  • Spon/ Busa Sabun yang lembut.
  • Kain kasar/ halus, dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran yang menempel di velg mobil.
  • Sikat halus, untuk kotoran yang menempel di ban.
  • Alat penyedot debu ukuran kecil.
  • Selang, Ember sebagai sumber air bersih dan menampung air sabun untuk mencuci body mobil.
  • Kanebo "chamois", kain khusus untuk mengeringkan air dari body mobil setelah dicuci bersih.
  • Semir untuk ban Mobil.
  • Semir Cat Mobil.
  • Semir untuk bagian interior
  • Parfum untuk menghilangkan bakteri dan kuman serta membuat mobil lebih segar.
Nah, namun jika anda mungkin tak memiliki semua peralatan yang diatas tak jadi masalah, karena anda sendiripun bukan pencuci mobilkan hehe. Namun alangkah baiknya jika anda memiliki perlengkapan tersebut.

Inilah Cara mencuci mobil sendiri tanpa harus merusak cat mobil dan menggores catnya

  • Usahakan mencuci mobil sampai selesai ditempat yang teduh, tidak terkena sinar matahari dan hujan.
  • Bersihkan debu yang ada pada cat mobil meggunakan bulu ayam, agar tidak terjadi goresan pada cat mobil saat mencuci dengan busa.
  • Bersihkan bagian interior mobil terlebih dahulu, lap jok dan kaca serta bagian-bagian yang berdebu, atau dapat menyedot bagian yang tidak dapat dilap dengan mesin sedot debu. Keluarkan karpet-karpet lantai mobil dan bersihkan diluar, kemudian dijemur sehingga ketika mobil selesai dicuci karpet sudah kering dan dapat dimasukkan kembali ke mobil dan mobil dapat langsung digunakan.
  • Kembali lagi ke body luar mobil, siram seluruh bagian mobil dengan air bersih, lebih baik menggunakan selang dan kekuatan siraman air jangan terlalu kencang agar tidak merusak cat.
  • Cucilah berurutan dari bagian atas kemudian turun sampai bagian ban, hal ini untuk menjaga kotoran yang kasar dibagian bawah mobil tidak menempel pada bagian atas mobil sehingga mencegah terjadinya goresan pada cat mobil.
  • Gunakan Sampo mobil agar tidak merusak warna cat mobil.
  • Gosok seluruh body mobil dengan spon/ busa yang sudah dicampur dengan sampo mobil.
  • Bersihkan body mobil yang sudah digosok dengan sampo mobil dengan menggunakan air bersih. Disarankan menggunakan selang yang dapat menyemprotkan air dan atur tekanan air.
  • Lap mobil dengan lap khusus mobil (kanebo) dengan bahan khusus sehingga dapat menyerap air (chamois) dengan baik, Lap seluruh mobil dengan merata untuk mencegah bekas air yang menempel.
  • Semir ban menggunakan bahan khusus untuk menyemir ban atau silicon oil sehingga ban mobil terlihat mengkilap dan baru.
  • Semir bagian interior dengan bahan semir yang disediakan khusus untuk bagian interior.
  • Semprotkan parfum di bagian interior mobil untuk menghilangkan bakteri dan kuman di dalam mobil serta membuat mobil selalu wangi, segar dan sehat untuk digunakan.
So, gimana tips diatas? Mantabkan. Kami rasa untuk informasi yang berjudul Tips Mencuci Mobil Sendiri - Warna Mengkilap ini bisa bermanfaat untuk anda semua. Selalu ikuti perkembangan berita terbaru lainnya yang tentu saja akan kami update setiap harinya untuk anda semua


Yamaha New Xeon RC  kini hadir dengan tampilan  yang lebih sporty yang dibalut dengan warna trendi dan striping yang tegas  selain itu New Xeon RC juga dibekali dengan berbagai fitur-fitur teknologi modern. Seperti juga pada performa mesinnya yang mengadopsi teknologi DiASil Cylinder dan Forged piston yang mampu menghasilkan performa yang handal,  lebih kuat, ringan dan ramah lingkungan karena bukan mengunakan lapisan nikel total Die-Cast Aluminium (mudah didaur ulang).

Selain memiliki performa yang tangguh, Yamaha New Xeon RC ini juga memiliki desain lampu depan aerodinamik yang terinspirasi dari pesawat tempur dengan system auto head-light on sehingga mampu menghasilkan pencahayaan yang maksimal. Sedangkan pada lampu belakang hadir dengan desain khas yang lebih futuristik, sporty dan lebih terang.

Untuk memperkuat kesan sporty pada New Xeon RC ini, Yamaha membekali dengan velg berwarna yang dikombinasikan dengan lis velg yang tegas, sedangkan pada sektor gas buang mengadopsi dari Yamaha T-Max yang  powerful.

Sementara pada system pengereman, Yamaha New Xeon RC dibekali dengan teknologi smart lock system yang praktis digunakan dan aman pada saat pengereman dijalan yang menurun ataupun menanjak. Selain itu untuk system keamanan New Xeon RC ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur teknologi Side Stand Switch yang berfungsi dimana Mesin tidak dapat dinyalakan saat standar samping dalam posisi turun, sehingga menghindari resiko pengendara lupa menaikkan standar samping.

Untuk menunjang aktivitas harian anda,  New Xeon RC dibekali dengan bagasi yang luas yang mampu menampung barang-barang bawaan anda saat bepergian. Selain itu Yamaha juga membenamkan fitur Integrated Key Shutter yang berfungsi sebagai pengaman ganda dan sekaligus pembuka bagasi. Untuk konsumsi bahan bakarnya diklaim lebih irit 20 persen.

Yamaha New Xeon RC hadir dengan 5 pilihan warna yaitu Victorious Red, Thunder Bolt Blue, Cosmic White, Dazzling Black,, Regal Purple dan Special Motogp. Sementara untuk harganya, Yamaha New Xeon RC dibanderol Rp. 15.100.000 OTR Jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Toyota’s Rumored Sports Coupe Plan

Rumors fueled by official statements abound that Toyota will be bringing two new sports cars to market – one positioned above the Scion FR-S/FT-86, and one below. These cars will form a trifecta of sports coupes, similar to the group of sports coupes that carried Toyota to popularity and profits in the 1980′s and 90′s. This new knowledge has people excited, but also confused about the future of sports models they’d hoped were going to be resurrected.

Toyota’s Incoming Chairman Comments Fuel Rumors
The new CEO of Toyota, Akio Toyoda, seems to be as ready as everyone else for  a new rear-wheel drive sports coupe, or two. Although the GT86 is fairly new to the brand, two more RWD models are taking one slot above and one below the GT86/FR-S in accordance with plans of the incoming chairman. His plans were outlined as including two new sports cars with the 86 in the middle of both.

More specifically, he plans to make the larger of the cars a successor to the Supra — this model is said to be under development in collaboration with BMW. The smaller of the models is being hinted as a joint effort, but no details were given as to who Toyota would team up with to make it. Some speculate that the smaller of the models might be a MR2 or Celica.

It’s not exactly time to start putting in orders at local dealerships, neither model has actually been given the green light for production.

Next Generation of Supra: Will They or Won’t They?
In the early 2000′s, Toyota ceased production of the Supra. As far back as the conclusion of the latest generation of Supra, talk of replacement models and a new generation have caused quite a stir in the import enthusiast community. The news about the plans being made by Toyota’s future chairman has people wondering if the Supra even stands a chance still of a comeback.

Although conceptual drawings and speculation are in no short supply, the reality of a Supra now seems more unlikely now than ever. If Toyota has a new successor to the Supra in the works, they probably won’t bring this model back into their lineup to murk up the waters for their upcoming sports coupes.

So, why won’t Toyota axe the model forever or confirm its comeback? They want to keep consumers on the hook. The rumors, regardless of what the ultimate truth is, will keep the idea of a Toyota sports coupe on the minds of drivers.

The most current rumor (one started before the rumors about the two new models) is that Toyota will unveil their newest Toyota Supra concept at the 43rd annual Tokyo Motor Show at the end of the year. This is when the world will know, with almost absolute certainty, if the Supra is actually coming back, or if it’s time to let it go.

It’s at this same show that eager Toyota sports car enthusiasts will likely get their first glance at the other models Toyota’s chairman has alluded to. It seems at this point that the best chance the Supra has of a return is being the name on the larger of the sports models planned by Toyota.

Author Jason Lancaster is a huge fan of the Toyota Supra and hopes it will return. He works with Olathe Toyota Parts Center, an online seller of wholesale OEM Toyota parts.

Source; How the Honda Accord's innovative hybrid system works

Click on the image to enlarge
by Richard Truett of

MARYSVILLE, Ohio -- Most of the attention for Honda's Accord hybrid will come from its eye-popping 50-mpg EPA city rating and under-$30,000 starting price. But those with an eye for engineering will see a creative combination of new technology with elements from the Chevrolet Volt, Toyota Prius and Ford Fusion Hybrid.

"Honda put in all we had," said Koji Ninomiya, chief engineer for the Accord Hybrid, through an interpreter. "We did our best, and we ended up at 50 mpg."

The car, which gets to dealerships in late October, uses three drive modes to crack the 50-mpg figure -- something no other mid-sized car, including the European diesels, can match.

Ninomiya said 50 mpg or any specific number was not the goal when Honda engineers began nearly a decade ago studying a new hybrid powertrain to replace its current design.

"We considered everything, [including] driving resistance and regenerative braking. We made the powertrain all new, and the biggest purpose of this was to aim for the most efficient system in the world. As we tried to optimize the efficiency, we decided two motors will be best," he said.

Here's how the two electric motors work in the Accord Hybrid's three drive modes, EV, Hybrid and Engine.

• EV mode: The car is propelled only by an electric motor powered by the lithium ion battery pack. The top speed is about 60 mph, but the range is very limited, just a few miles. Once the battery is depleted, the car automatically switches to Hybrid mode.

• Hybrid mode: The Accord Hybrid works a lot like a Chevrolet Volt. The 2.0-liter gasoline engine powers a generator to create electricity for the electric motor. Honda calls the generator a motor, hence two motors. Only the electric motor, fed by the generator, moves the car in Hybrid mode.

• Engine mode: The electric motor is decoupled, and the Accord's Atkinson cycle gasoline engine drives the wheels directly through a one-gear transmission. In that highway gear -- similar in efficiency to a sixth gear on a manual transmission -- the gasoline engine runs in its sweet spot, delivering both strong acceleration when needed and high fuel economy.

Ford and Toyota hybrids also use Atkinson cycle engines. The Accord's Atkinson cycle 2.0-liter gasoline engine is a first for Honda.

In an Atkinson cycle engine, the intake valves remain open briefly during the compression stroke. That pushes some of the air in the cylinders into the intake manifold, which lowers the compression ratio. That enables fast, smooth starts, which is ideal for hybrids. The downside is that it reduces power.

To solve that problem, Honda engineers installed VTEC, a system that electronically controls the timing of the valves with camshafts that have two sets of lobes. One set of lobes is for the Atkinson cycle; the other is for normal combustion. The engine's computer switches back and forth between the two sets of lobes, based on engine speed and load.

Other new technologies include the car's innovative regenerative brakes, which send electricity to the battery. Regeneration begins the instant a driver's foot leaves the accelerator, not when the brake pedal is pressed as it does on other hybrids.

The air-cooled lithium ion battery pack fits in a compact case between the rear seat and the trunk. The pack does reduce trunk space. The hybrid's trunk is 12.7 cubic feet, while the regular Accord's trunk is 15.8.

Honda will offer three versions of the Accord Hybrid. The base model starts at $29,155; a midlevel E-XL version, at $31,905; and the loaded Touring, at $34,905. The prices exclude shipping; figures haven't been announced.

Honda is assembling the Accord Hybrid at its Marysville plant; it is the first time the Accord Hybrid has been built in North America.

The car's innovative powertrain could help win back some former Honda fans who deserted the brand for other makes with more advanced engines and transmissions.

In the past, Honda had stuck with nickel-metal hydride batteries in its hybrids while other automakers developed more efficient gasoline-electric powertrains that use lighter, stronger lithium ion batteries.

And in its gasoline-powered cars, the company has been slow to shift to automatic transmissions with more than four speeds.

The result of that strategy: middle-of-the-pack fuel economy ratings and a string of misfires dating back nearly a decade, including the failed 2004-06 Accord Hybrid, a slow selling Civic Hybrid and dismal sales for the Insight and CR-Z hybrids.

The Accord Hybrid's 50 mpg is "a pretty strong statement," said California dealer Dave Conant. He is CEO of The C.A.R. Group, which owns 13 stores, including four Honda outlets.

"For a long time Honda sort of owned the territory," he said. "I think a 50-mpg Accord is going to absolutely swing people back to thinking of Honda as a fuel economy leader. It's long overdue, honestly."


NHTSA give new Kia Sorento 5 stars in the US.

  • 5-Star rating enhances Sorento’s overall value proposition
  • Long list of standard safety features allow Sorento to achieve high scores across all categories

Kia Motors America’s (KMA) top-selling CUV, the redesigned 2014 Sorento, has earned the highest possible overall safety rating – five stars – from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The new Sorento was recognized for its outstanding performance in frontal and side impact crash tests, as well as high marks in rollover testing.

 “Built on an all-new platform, the redesigned Sorento utilizes Kia’s advanced safety equipment and technologies to provide a high level of occupant protection for drivers and their families as measured by the U.S. government,” said Orth Hedrick, executive director, product planning, KMA. “Already a compelling entry in the compact CUV category, earning a 5-Star rating from NHTSA makes the Sorento an even stronger contender within its segment while underscoring Kia’s overall commitment to delivering safety and exceptional value to our customers.”

 In addition to NHTSA’s 5-Star rating, the 2014 Sorento has also been named a Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).  It is built at Kia’s manufacturing facility in West Point, Georgia and is available in four trim levels.

About the 2014 Sorento
The 2014 Sorento is no mere mid-cycle refresh.  It rides on an all-new platform and suspension system, and offers a new V6 engine and more passenger room as well as a new top-of-the-line trim level known as the SX Limited.  From a styling perspective, redesigned front and rear fascias incorporate new lighting elements, the 17-inch and 18-inch alloy wheels have been redesigned and a larger 19-inch alloy wheel is offered on the SX as well as the all-new SX Limited.  Inside, the center rack, gear shift, instrument clusters, and soft-touch surfaces all feature a redesigned look.  Other available features now include second row sliding sunshades and heated front seats, panoramic sunroof, a programmable powered lift gate, heated second row seat bottoms, and more.  The 2014 Sorento was the first Kia vehicle to offer the next generation voice-activated telematics system, UVO eServices.

Kia:  One of the World’s Fastest Moving Global Automotive Brands
Kia Motors America is one of only three auto brands to increase U.S. sales in each of the past four years, and in 2012 the company surpassed the 500,000 unit mark for the first time.  With a full line of fun-to-drive cars and CUVs, Kia is advancing value to new levels of sophistication by combining European-influenced styling – under the guidance of chief design officer Peter Schreyer – with cutting-edge technologies, premium amenities, affordable pricing and the lowest cost of ownership in the industry.  Kia recently joined the exclusive ranks of Interbrand’s “Top 100 Best Global Brands,” and is poised to continue its momentum with seven all-new or significantly redesigned vehicles scheduled to arrive in showrooms in 2013.  Over the past decade Kia Motors has invested more than $1.4 billion in the U.S., including the company’s first U.S. assembly plant in West Point, Georgia – Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia – which is responsible for the creation of more than 14,000 plant and supplier jobs.  The success of the U.S.-built* Optima and Sorento in two of the industry’s largest segments has fueled Kia’s rapid growth and is complemented by Kia’s comprehensive lineup which includes the Cadenza flagship sedan, Soul urban passenger vehicle, Sportage compact CUV, Optima Hybrid, the Forte sedan, 5-door and Koup compacts, Rio and Rio 5-door sub-compacts and the Sedona minivan.

New Lexus IS F, gives ultimate driving experience.

  • Specially built 416-hp, 5-liter V8
  • Eight-speed Sport Direct-Shift transmission
  • Chassis tuning refined on Nürburgring, Circuit Paul Ricard and Fuji Speedway
  • Revised interior trim for 2014

The 2014 Lexus IS F delivers a 416-horsepower wallop on road or track, handling both driving environments with equal aplomb. While bristling with track-focused engine and chassis performance technology, the 2014 IS F also remains comfortable and practical to drive every day, a true dual-purpose machine.

When it arrived for model year 2008, the IS F not only shook up the status quo among high-performance sport sedans, but also foreshadowed the brand’s LFA supercar, which recently completed a 500-unit run. The same passion for performance continues to define the IS F, which for 2014 remains on a thoroughly optimized version of the 2nd-generation IS platform.
The IS F gains interior and trim changes in its seventh year.

What’s New for 2014

  • LED foglamps (bulbs changed to LEDs)
  • Carbon fiber rear spoiler
  • All headrests embossed with “F” logo
  • Alcantara trim (black) added to doors and center console cover
  • Black full semi-aniline leather-trimmed seats (replaces black Alcantara and leather-trimmed seats)
  • Red leather-trimmed seats receive black Alcantara inserts with red perforation and black leather-trimmed headrests
  • Exhilarating Performance at Every Turn
  • The Lexus IS F combines blistering acceleration with brilliantly controlled chassis performance, yielding a highly satisfying machine for driving enthusiasts of all skill levels.

The muscular rumble issued by the low-restriction dual-exhaust system, which terminates in distinctive stacked quad diffusers, announces the presence of a special high-performance version of the Lexus 5.0-liter V8. Engineered specifically for the IS F, the aluminum V8 emphasizes both high output and high durability. The engine produces a rousing 416 horsepower at 6,600 rpm and 371 lb.-ft. of peak torque at 5,200 rpm. While able to provide an instant rush of power and sustain high engine speeds for track driving, the 5.0-liter V8 remains utterly composed and refined in everyday driving.

The eight-speed Sport Direct-Shift automatic transmission proves a willing partner on road or track. For maximum performance, the driver can shift manually with steering wheel paddle shifters in either “D” or “M” modes, but in “M” mode, the transmission will hold each gear to the 6,800-rpm redline and execute ultra-quick shifts in one-tenth of a second. In “M” mode, the transmission “blips” the throttle to match engine rpm to vehicle speed, which helps maintain traction and control, especially when slowing through curves.

Selecting Normal, Sport or Snow driving modes alters the car’s dynamic control systems to sharpen performance or increase comfort and traction. The driver faces a gauge cluster with a large central tachometer, similar to that in the LFA supercar.  In order to perfect the IS F’s road/track dual persona, Lexus conducted IS F development work not only at Germany’s renowned Nürburgring Nordschleife racetrack, but also at Circuit Paul Ricard in France and Fuji Speedway and the Higashi-Fuji Technical Center in Japan. The shape of Turn 1 at Fuji, in fact, inspired the car’s “F” badge design as homage to its home track.

Numerous track-proven modifications to the double-wishbone front suspension and multi-link rear suspension configurations endow the IS F with uncanny ability through curves while maintaining refined rode comfort. Special rear control arms, high-rate springs, monotube dampers and large-diameter stabilizer bars are among the changes made to this platform for the IS F.

As part of the IS F development program, Lexus worked with Michelin and Bridgestone to develop tires specifically for the car’s 170-mph track capability. The “staggered” wheels and tires follow racecar convention, with wider, lower profile tires on the rear. (The front wheels are 19 x 8.5-inch, with 225/40R19 tires and 19 x 9.5-inch in the rear, with 255/35R19 tires.) You’ll find Brembo® brakes on the world’s best high-performance cars, including, of course, the Lexus IS F. In front, rigid, powerful six-piston aluminum calipers grip 14.2-inch ventilated and drilled rotors, while the 13.6-inch ventilated, drilled rear rotors use two-piston calipers.

A Torsen® rear differential helps provide additional traction in spirited driving. The IS F deftly integrates an array of advanced chassis control systems to help maximize braking and traction performance in the IS F. Specifically, engineers calibrated the brand’s Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) system to support the car’s high dynamic capabilities.

By integrating the car’s dynamic systems, and by combining input from a variety of sensors, VDIM doesn’t merely react to hazardous handling situations but rather can anticipate the onset of a vehicle skid or slide. The system can help correct the situation with a combination of braking, steering and throttle control.

How does it all work in performance driving? Seamlessly. Push the Lexus IS F aggressively through a corner, and VDIM helps prevent the inside rear wheel from spinning, transferring more power to the outside wheel to help maintain traction and momentum.

In Sport mode, VDIM increases steering feel and allows higher dynamic thresholds before intervening with confidence.

High Visual Impact
As if the IS F’s bellowing exhaust note weren’t enough to express the car’s presence, the car’s wide-body design also does much to convey the high-performance capability. The widened fenders were needed to clear the 19-inch low-profile tires, and other body modifications combine function with form, as well. The raised center section in the hood clears the big V8.

Air management for engine and brake cooling can be seen in large upper and lower mesh-type grilles, along with brake cooling ducts in the lower grille and air outlets in the front fenders, where you’ll also spot the discrete silver, black and blue F badge.

Interior Designed for the Performance Driver 
The interior of the IS F features an exclusive design treatment highlighted by aluminized composite trim, striking two-tone upholstery, main gauges, unique steering-wheel design and other special surface treatments. The “F” logo is discretely showcased on the steering wheel, rear-center console and all seat headrests.

Details:Inside the High-Performance Lexus 5.0-liter V8
The extensive roster of high-performance components used to construct the IS F’s 5-liter V8 includes:

  • Forged crankshaft with mirror-finish polished journals
  • Forged sintered iron alloy connecting rods
  • High-flow cylinder heads designed by Yamaha
  • Lightweight hollow, chain-driven camshafts with forged lobes
  • Titanium valves operated by roller rocker arms
  • Dual air-intake system to maximize power at all engine speeds
  • Scavenge pump ensures a reliable oil supply even during cornering that exceeds 1 g.
  • Variable Valve Timing with intelligence by an electric motor (VVT-iE) to expand VVT operational range to lower engine speeds.
  • Connected to the Road, Connected to Your Life

Lexus stands at the forefront of in-car multi-media systems, and that certainly holds true for the high-performance IS F. When equipped with the navigation option, the IS F also features Lexus Enform®. The available Enform service, with Destination Assist, eDestination, and App Suite, comes with the Navigation System/Mark Levinson Audio Package. Lexus Enform provides access to the subscription-free App Suite.  These voice-enabled apps let you search the Internet through Bing™, make restaurant reservations through OpenTable®, get movie tickets via™, listen to Internet radio, including , Pandora®, and  iHeartRadio™, search business reviews on Yelp®, and check in on  Facebook Places™.

The IS F’s telematics system, Lexus Enformwith Safety Connect® is available by subscription. Complimentary one-year trial subscriptions are available on all purchases of new Lexus vehicles equipped with these features. Safety Connect is standard on all vehicles while Lexus Enform with Safety Connect is on all vehicles equipped with the optional Navigation system. The Lexus Enform and the Safety Connect response centers operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—every day of the year.

Lexus Enform vehicles are factory ready for subscriptions to a variety of innovative SiriusXM services including NavTraffic, NavWeather, Sports, Stocks and Fuel Prices. SiriusXM services offer complimentary one-year trial data subscription.

Safety/Security Features

  • Passive-safety technology in the IS F begins with a reinforced passenger compartment that helps protect the occupants with front-and-rear crush structures.
  • In addition to advanced dual-stage front airbags and front seat-mounted side airbags, the Lexus Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) includes side-curtain airbags that extend from A-pillar to C-pillar, plus knee airbags for the driver and the front passenger.
  • The available Pre-Collision System (PCS) can help reduce collision damage. The package includes Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, which uses millimeter-wave radar to measure and maintain a pre-set distance from a vehicle traveling ahead. PCS relies on the radar sensor to detect obstacles in front of the car. The PCS computer, taking sensor inputs from vehicle speed, steering angle and yaw rate, is designed to determine whether a collision is unavoidable. In such a situation, PCS preemptively retracts front seat belts and pre-initializes Brake Assist so that increased braking will be applied the instant the driver depresses the pedal.
  • Luxury/Comfort/Convenience 

  • The IS F interior features specially shaped and trimmed seats that help position the driver comfortably and securely.
  • The standard SmartAccess keyless entry and push-button start allow the driver to keep the access fob in a pocket or purse.
  • Standard amenities include 10-way power front seats; dual-zone automatic climate control, a pollen filter and smog detector; power moonroof with one-touch open/close and seven open-position settings; power tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel; three-position memory function for front seats, steering wheel and mirrors; all power windows with automatic up/down operation and jam protection; an auto-dimming rear-view mirror with a HomeLink® programmable garage door opener; automated rain-sensing wipers and heated auto-dimming outside mirrors with integrated puddle lamps.
  • The standard Lexus Premium Audio System features a six-disc, in-dash CD changer, 13 speakers, USB/iPod®connectivity, streaming audio via Bluetooth® and an integrated SirusXM Satellite Radio receiver (complimentary 90-day trial subscription included).
  • Lexus Enform 2.0 with App Suite on navigation equipped vehicles.
  • Available Bluetooth automatic phonebook download capabilities.
  • Available HD Radio™ with iTunes tagging.

 Luxury Options

  • The IS F offers a 14-speaker Mark Levinson® Premium Surround Sound Audio System with discrete 5.1 multi-channel playback, 7.1-channel speaker architecture, and 10 amplifier channels providing 300 watts total output at less than 0.1 percent total harmonic distortion from 20 to 20,000 Hz (THD all channels driven).
  • The available Intuitive Park Assist (IPA) system uses ultrasonic sensors to detect objects close to the car's front and rear bumpers, alerting the driver and showing distance to objects in the multi-information display within the speedometer.
  • The optional Lexus Navigation system features Voice Command casual-language voice recognition, Bluetooth automatic phonebook download, and HD Radio with iTunes tagging.
  • The rear back-up camera, included with the available navigation system, automatically projects an image of what its lens can detect behind the car onto the navigation screen when the transmission is in reverse.


  • 48-month/50,000-mile basic limited warranty with roadside assistance for 48 months/unlimited miles.
  • 72 months/70,000 miles powertrain and restraint system coverage.
  • 72 months corrosion perforation protection coverage, regardless of mileage.

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